Since cache is one part of memory my code is find the top 10 RSZ usage of process and the. How to check that. How To Clear Cache On Linux Not cache usage growing find the process. . Check Top Processes sorted by RAM or CPU Usage in Linux. To find out about memory cache use slabtop using -s you can sort the output and c is for the cache size so use. Ps -o piduser mem command ax sort -b -k3 -r As. So to find out memory usage for active process run pidstat -l -rsort -k8nr. Alternatively use pgrep command to lookup process PID enter. Unix Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux FreeBSD and other Unx-like operating systems. How To Check File System Cache In Linux. Sudo slabtop -s c. If dd ifdevrandom of ofrootdata_file count 1400000. Cache isnt associated with a process per se it is related to IO on your system. If that data needs to be read in the future it is alr...
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